Monday, August 30, 2010
00:20 13 august 2010
This life is such a mysterious thing.It seems to be so complex but still it is so simple if you open your mind and your eyes.It's just like Osho says: ''just weak up!!!''.For a normal person this phrase may sound stupid and childish but if you really open your mind to this kind of information you may find that he is right.
We mostly spend our lives in an unconscious way, we do things without even knowing why we are doing them, we say things that we don't really understand sometimes, we just do things just because we have to but not because we want to do them with our free will.
I just find myself trapped into thousands of thoughts and I feel like I can’t escape from them.I know that if I try to free myself from them I'll make a big chance into my life for sure.Not long ago I've realised that thoughts are the cause of a lot of bad things that happened to me.This imagination i hold in my head is so powerful that it can even materialize into this world.It's like they talk about the law of attraction: if you ask about something from the universe and if you don't have doubts about your own wish it will become real, you'll get what you want.I've tried this a couple of times.At the beggining it was a little bit difficult because i wasn't understanding the whole concept of the Univers and how it works.After being confident and peaceful with my own mind I've free myself from every thoughts I've had while I was making my wish.It's like my heart was asking for something instead of my brain.So I've started to understand...I didn't need to burn my brains in order to get something.I was releasing my wish instead of killing it with my own ''hands''.
Life is about being patient, present, relaxed and in touch with your inner voice.I avoid being a rational person because everytime I think to much over a problem i find myself being trapped into some kind of deep sea of crazyness.Being rational means being mean to yourself, stop talking with you and with your soul.I do believe that we have a soul which flows arounds us, giving us the energy to be beautiful, shinny, moody or natural.We just don't seem to understand our true nature as humans.We’ve interrupted every contact with ourselves and we've locked our souls far away from us.Then what about feelings?Joy, pain, happiness, sorrow, oblivion...Living without admitting your soul it's like living without intuition whereas the intuition is a natural instinct that we all possess.A soul is something magical, mystical, something powerful and extraordinary.It is the source of our strenght and will.It is something that defines us...Tell me how can you live without water and then I'll tell you that nobody survives without soul.
I'm just being an observer in my path.
People change...they are no longer satisfied with their lives and they begin to search for something new, something attractive and exciting.But do they really want to know what is at the end of the road?The curiosity killed the cat and her friends too.Maybe asking your intuition is a better start for a right chance.It is not necessary to do something just because you think there is no other way, because there is always ` a other way` and you can reach it only if you care enought of your own actions.So open your eyes and your soul and make the right choices.It is your life...your beautiful, sweet and magical life.
Embrace it...
Listening to: One Republic-Say( All I need)
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1 comment:
Bună Ziua!
Eu sunt Vlad, unul dintre membrii Radio Whisper, un radio anti-manele dedicat bloggerilor şi nu numai.
Am vizionat cu atenţie blogul tău şi vreau să spun că am fost foarte fascinat de ceea ce am găsit. Am fost atras de subiectele interesante şi de originalitatea articolelor. Felicitări ! Încep să îl citesc cu drag.
Noi promovăm la radio diferite articole ale bloggerilor, iar azi am promovat un articol de-al tău ; am specificat sursa articolului şi am deschis şi un subiect pe baza acestuia. Dacă doreşti, poţi să ne recomanzi orice articol şi noi îl vom promova.
Cu scuzele de rigoare pentru acest mesaj de tip spam,acest mesaj este dedicat tie si la cei care merita care ii citim aproape zi de zi.
Ne-ar face plăcere, de asemenea, să ştim că ai dori să ne susţii în acest proiect de radio şi să accepţi o eventuală colaborare.
Pe Radio Whisper se difuzează toate genurile de muzică, exceptând manele şi piesele necenzurate, avem şi câteva emisiuni, ştiri etc. Ne-am propus să realizăm un proiect mare, iar pentru asta avem nevoie de susţinerea şi ajutorul tău şi al celorlalţi colegi bloggeri. Dorim să creăm o echipă numeroasă, de oameni cu un talent aparte şi m-am gândit că, poate, ai vrea să ni te alături şi să colaborăm, binenţeles, pe unul dintre domeniile care îţi place. Dorim, de asemenea,sa iti acordam un scurt interviu. Pentru noi sunt importante ideile şi modul de a gândi al bloggerilor şi al ascultătorilor noştri.
Îţi mulţumesc pentru timpul acordat, iar acum îţi propun să adaugi linkul sau bannerul nostru pe blogul tău şi să ne dai add la id-ul ascultawhisper sau un email pentru a discuta mai
Mulţumesc,Cu stimă Vlad!
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