Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I know you
Trapped soul
Trapped feelings
Everything is blury
Why can't i just see?
I have so many things to do
I have so many things to say,
Take me away
Make me believe
Make me live-
This soul of mine
Is lost and scared,
These thoughts of mine
Hunt me, second by second
Day after day.
I know that you are there
I feel you deep into my skin
I know you love
More than everyone around,
Three is for luck
And luck is you
You and your beautiful soul.
Make me believe
Make me feel
Make me create
Make me paint
the sky
the stars
the love
in red...
As our blood rush into our veins
And our souls dance together
Over and over again-
The same song into my mind
The same sweetness keep me alive
I know now
I know you
I know me
I know us...
Forever wondering
United universes in universe
Under the same sky,
Soft clouds
and thoughts
and love
and kisses...
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Si inca nu am terminat...
Mie dor de dragostea cu care ma-nconjori
Mie dor de vocea ta de dulce
Mie dor sa-ti strang trupul in brate
Mie dor sa te sarut in zori.
Mie dor sa-ti simt greutatea
Mie dor sa-mi usurezi viata
Mie dor sa-mi spui cat ma iubesti
Mie dor sa ascult povesti cand dorm
Mie dor sa te am langa mine
Mie dor sa ma atingi in vise
Mie dor sa te privesc dormind
Mie dor sa-ti vad chipul trist si fin
Mie dor de ochii tai, copil.
Mie dor sa-mi spui de planuri mari
Mie dor sa-aud de inele si mirese
Mie dor sa adorm la pieptul tau
Mie dor sa-mi tii chipul in mainile tale
Mie dor de zilele fara responsabilitate
Mie dor sa ma topesc de placere
Mie dor sa te tin de mana
Mie dor de caldura sarutului dulce
Mie dor de iubirea ta
Mie dor de clipa in care te-am vazut pentru prima oara
Mie dor de clipele in care ma sorbeai din privire
Mie dor de serile in care adormeam cu imaginea ta
Mie dor de copilariile tale
Mie dor sa ne imaginam de 'mini el'
Si mie dor si de un 'mini ea'
Mie dor sa aud cum ma sustin ai tai
Si cat de multe imi spune sufletul tau
Mie dor atat de mult sa fii al meu
Si mult mai mult sa fiu a ta.
Listenin to:John Mayer-Gravity~~
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Someday dreamer...
What love is?
Sometimes i wonder what love there any planet for this beautiful but still complicated feeling?
Every night when i go to bed i close my eyes and imagine him coming and kissing me so badly, hugging my frozen body in the middle of a full street.
I truly believe that when you really love someone you can’t let them go from your life so easily.Then he always appears in your mind with those sweet gestures they used to make, those sweet smiles that were created only for your own happiness.And...that feeling of being so weak against his soft touch, his soft words pressing your mind with such a warm pleasure.Yeah, that is love...and there is even more than all those things.
I believe that once you find a right ‚’creature’ to love you become a better person, a happy sunshine not only for your own presence but for the others.Glowing like a big star under a clear midnight sky, dreaming all day like you can’t get out of your own mood, feeling like a damn lucky billionaire.
How lovely is to hear his voice every time you wake up, the smell of his skin lingering on your own skin like a really expensive, precious perfume on limited edition.You would kill to see that morning childish face smiling at you when you open your eyes while he is playing with your lips in a sweet, chill morning kiss and a very soft, whispered ‚’’good morning my love’’.
So sweet that you would like to sleep in his arms whenever you get the chance to escape from this world, whenever you feel like you need to crawl into his arms and ask for his protective love.The way he holds you it’s not an usual way, it’s not something you see on movies or you think you have experienced before.Every touch becomes a different one.Every person has different experiences with their own lovers, it’s never the same because everytime it’s turning into a new thing.
Sometimes it feels confusing, sometimes you feel tired...sometimes you just want to remember every detail of a great day spent with the one you love, make it an unforgetable memory for your personal mental record and for your unstoppable heart.You never want to imagine that this is going to end one day...always dreaming at an endless love, something valuable not for a second, not for a month, not even for one year but for all your life.
Last request...
Monday, August 30, 2010
00:20 13 august 2010
This life is such a mysterious thing.It seems to be so complex but still it is so simple if you open your mind and your eyes.It's just like Osho says: ''just weak up!!!''.For a normal person this phrase may sound stupid and childish but if you really open your mind to this kind of information you may find that he is right.
We mostly spend our lives in an unconscious way, we do things without even knowing why we are doing them, we say things that we don't really understand sometimes, we just do things just because we have to but not because we want to do them with our free will.
I just find myself trapped into thousands of thoughts and I feel like I can’t escape from them.I know that if I try to free myself from them I'll make a big chance into my life for sure.Not long ago I've realised that thoughts are the cause of a lot of bad things that happened to me.This imagination i hold in my head is so powerful that it can even materialize into this world.It's like they talk about the law of attraction: if you ask about something from the universe and if you don't have doubts about your own wish it will become real, you'll get what you want.I've tried this a couple of times.At the beggining it was a little bit difficult because i wasn't understanding the whole concept of the Univers and how it works.After being confident and peaceful with my own mind I've free myself from every thoughts I've had while I was making my wish.It's like my heart was asking for something instead of my brain.So I've started to understand...I didn't need to burn my brains in order to get something.I was releasing my wish instead of killing it with my own ''hands''.
Life is about being patient, present, relaxed and in touch with your inner voice.I avoid being a rational person because everytime I think to much over a problem i find myself being trapped into some kind of deep sea of crazyness.Being rational means being mean to yourself, stop talking with you and with your soul.I do believe that we have a soul which flows arounds us, giving us the energy to be beautiful, shinny, moody or natural.We just don't seem to understand our true nature as humans.We’ve interrupted every contact with ourselves and we've locked our souls far away from us.Then what about feelings?Joy, pain, happiness, sorrow, oblivion...Living without admitting your soul it's like living without intuition whereas the intuition is a natural instinct that we all possess.A soul is something magical, mystical, something powerful and extraordinary.It is the source of our strenght and will.It is something that defines us...Tell me how can you live without water and then I'll tell you that nobody survives without soul.
I'm just being an observer in my path.
People change...they are no longer satisfied with their lives and they begin to search for something new, something attractive and exciting.But do they really want to know what is at the end of the road?The curiosity killed the cat and her friends too.Maybe asking your intuition is a better start for a right chance.It is not necessary to do something just because you think there is no other way, because there is always ` a other way` and you can reach it only if you care enought of your own actions.So open your eyes and your soul and make the right choices.It is your life...your beautiful, sweet and magical life.
Embrace it...
Listening to: One Republic-Say( All I need)
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tacerea celor ce se iubesc...
Ea: Ce cauti?
El: Nimic...ce caut?
Ea: Nu cauti nimic si pe nimeni?
El: tine.
Ea: Si unde anume cauti?
El: ...prin mintea mea.
Ea: Si crezi ca ma vei gasi?
El: Foarte probabil.
Ea: Si ce ai sa faci atunci cand ma vei gasi?
El: Eee...multe...
Ea: E posibil sa fie multe, dar e ceva ce ai sa faci prima oara cand ma vei gasi, nu?
El: Da...te voi gasi si te voi saruta.Te voi imbratisa...
Ea: Si apoi ce ai sa-mi spui?
El: te iubesc.Pe tine te iubesscccccc!
Ea: Spune-mi, cum ma iubesti?
El: Mult, mult, mult, plin de sentiment si voiosie...
Ea: Si cea pe care o cautai ce va zice?
El: Asta astept sa aud...
Ea: Iti v-a spune ca nici un cuvant din lumea asta nu poate explica ceea ce simte ea pentru tine.Esti tot ceea ce conteaza mai mult...
El: Si cum sa nu vreau sa o caut, sa o gasesc si sa o fac a mea pentru totdeauna...?!
Listening to: Five For Fighting - 100 Years
Friday, April 9, 2010
Calmul de dupa ploaie
La geam privesc
Si astept din nou,
Din ploaia grea,
Lumina sa rasara.
Mie dor de ochii tai plapanzi
Mie dor de al tau zambet bland,
De al tau par intunecat
De care vise-am agatat!
Maretul soare s-a ascuns
Dupa norii cenusii,
Nici lumina, nici speranta
Nici macar un strop de vis.
Intuneric peste tot
Lacrimi cad incet, domol
Se aduna-n ochii mei
Cad incet, nu se opresc.
Si deodata in loc au stat
Norii toti s-au adunat
Linistea s-a stabilit
Haosul s-a destramat.
Ingerii coboara-ncet
Al tau zambet il petrec,
Vad de mii si mii de ori
Scena-n care ma-nconjori.
Si astept din nou, din nou
Sa vi iar in visul meu!
Listening to: Tonic-If you could only see...
Cu usile inchise...
In ochi tai citesc placere,
In inima porti o avere
Dorinta-n suflet iti e putere
Si suferinta iti e tacere!
Ai vrea sa vii, sa ma atingi
Cuvinte dulci, sa ma alinti
Imbratisati cu mii si mii
Pline de dor si bucuri.
Sperante vii, saruturi mii!
Dar tu nu vii, nu indraznesti
Sti c-ai gresit,si te caiesti
Departe stai si ma privesti
Mai mult de-atat nu indraznesti!
Si cand de mana eu te-am luat
Atunci vei stii ca te-am iertat!
Si cand in brate eu te-am strans
Atunci vei stii ca ti-am promis,
Cu un sarut profund si-un vis,
Sa te urmez in paradis!!!
Listening to: Coldplay-See you soon~
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Inca putin, si apoi mai mult...
Te vreau, te caut
Nu te gasesc
Arunc in tine,
Hai, dispari
Dar stai.
Nu sta asa si te uita
Am nevoie de imbratisarea ta
O vreau, nu-o vreau
Te resping, te imping
Dar ca un arc
Te lipesti mereu
De inima mea.
Te strig si brusc
Imi astup gura
Si fara voie dar de nevoie
Ochii mici cauta in intuneric
Mi-e teama de ce va urma...
Indiferent, un nor pe cer,
Tren alb ale vietii mele
Trece, si ma ignora
Se face ca ploua.
Si eu pot face asta
Nu te mai vad si gata.
Dar daca daruri i-as aduce
Si zi si noapte
Cantece i-as inchina,
Data viitoare cand mai trece
Ar putea sa mi te-aduca oare
Inapoi, de undeva?!
Caci am uitat sa privesc stelele
Fara tine, nu prea mai stralucesc
Iar bratele-mi sunt obosite
S-au prafuit de tristete si dor...
Doar vantul ce le mai petrece.
Unul strange zilelele
Celalalt lacrimile...
Si soarele, si amintirile...
Dar nici asta si nici aia
Si nici aia sau chiar nici ala,
Nu e mai dulce ca cel ce strange
Visele, mainile,
Trupul asta ametit-
Ametit de aroma fiintei tale.
Cel care strange
Nisipul fin
Al inimii mele,
Risipit in urma pasilor tai
Pe cararea vietii mele...
Listening: Kaolin-Partons vite~
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ziua mea...
Uneori am impresia ca uit incetul cu incetul cine sunt, sentimente inamice ma devoreaza, iar amintirea mea devine doar cenusa trista purtata de vant...
Nu stiu, dar simt ca te pierd uneori pe tine...acum esti viu in mintea mea, acum dispari...atunci lacrimile si teama imi vin in ''ajutor''.Sarcastic, ironic, m-ai lasa sa-ti citesc gandurile, ranile mi s-ar m-ai lasa sa iti pot purta pica, de te-ai preda bratelor mele pentru totdeauna mie parca tot nu ar fii deajuns.
Vezi tu, zilele sunt ca oamenii...unele zile zambesc, alte zile plang...unele sunt senine, altele intunecate...unele zile cred ca pot aduce fericire altora, altele imprastie particule fine de amaraciune si resemnare in sufletele slabe, uitate de vreme.Insa eu, eu vreau zile nocturne...stiu, nu exista asa ceva insa, imaginatia omului poate creea asa ceva nu?...pot avea si noaptea si ziua intr-o singura imagine, pot avea si gustul lui dulce si pe cel amar intr-un singur sarut...pot avea impresia ca exist, dar pot avea in acelasi timp impresia ca plutesc dincolo de realitate...Insa, nu vreau nimic daca nu el e acolo...caci fara el zilele nu sunt eterne, iar apusul nu mai iubeste rasaritul...promisiunea s-a spulberat.
Daca nu e el parte din mine, daca el nu e ziua mea atunci ii las pe ceilalti sa absoarba si ultima picatura de fericire si iubire din fiinta mea, ultima picatura de viata asemenea unor creaturi insetate de acel lucru atat de greu de aflat in asta viata, acel dar mai am nevoie de fericirea asta, de zambetul asta, de corpul dau lor, au toti au nevoie...milioane de suflete...milioane de sperante crestate in inimi ratacite.
Iar atunci cand cineva va sa-l vad pe el, si am sa plang...stiind ca cel care mi-a purtat sufletul sus, la norii sihastri, se afla acum in fiecare fiinta pe care o intalnesc, fiecare suflare, un pas purtat dincolo de barierele care te tin inlantuit, departe de privirea mea, departe de drumul tau pe carari nebanuite...
...mereu vei fi acolo~
Listening to:Damien Rice-The Blower's Daughter(acoustic)~
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